Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Deciding Between Snowboarding Skiing: Which Is Best?

The decision of whether to go skiing or snowboarding can certainly be a tough one.It all depends on what you want to do basically and what type of person you are.While they may seem like similar sports they are actually quite different.Your body may actually be physically suited more to one sport or the other.

Snowboarding relies more than anything on the legs and knees, as you have to use your legs to push yourself and control yourself as you snowboard.With skiing at least you have the reliance of your poles to help you along and it is not so much about using the strength of your body to move yourself.Most people just have an automatic personal preference between skiing and snowboarding.Some people stand on a snowboard and feel totally comfortable with it while they may feel really awkward on a pair of skis.

This is not to say that you should just give up snowboarding entirely but it does tell you that your body is probably better suited to skiing.A lot of the younger crowd tends to be drawn more towards the snowboarding sport because it is cooler.You will often see a lot of older aged people out skiing because it is so much easier for their bodies.With skiing they are able to use their poles to glide them along and especially in cross country skiing this is much easier on their body.

Their ski poles can even be used to lean on when they are standing upright.The younger generation is much more into snowboarding.They even act as a support when you are standing in an upright position so there is a lot more reliance with skiing than boarding.You are going to need different equipment depending on which sport you choose.

For skiing you need your regular winter gear and then some skis, poles and goggles.For snowboarding you are going to need warm winter gear and boots, bindings, and a board.Some people enjoy both and switch around on a regular basis.You just have to try both out and see what you feel more comfortable and have more fun doing.

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